Current teaching activities
- Class tutor for Communication Theory in MT 2011-12
Past teaching activities
- Class tutor for Elliptic Curves in HT 2010-11
- Tutor with the Stanford University Programme
for Elliptic Curves in HT 2010-11
- Class tutor for Communication Theory in MT 2010-11
- Teaching assistant for Elliptic Curves in HT 2009-10
- Class tutor for Communication Theory in MT 2009-10
- Supervisor at Hertford College for Geometry I in MT 2009-10
- Teaching assistant for Algebraic Number Theory in HT 2008-09
- Supervisor at Hertford College for a second course in Algebra taught
to a visiting student in 2008-09
- Supervisor at Hertford College for Linear Algebra and Analysis in
MT 2008-09
- Teaching assistant for Graph Theory in MT 2008-09